Vampire Games

I discovered the television series Buffy the Vampire Slayer through a rather unusual route. I remember watching the original two-part episode when it debuted and it just failed to grab me. For good or bad, I think I was expecting the tone to be more like the Kristy Swanson movie and somehow I felt that new series was taking itself too seriously.

Flash forward about four years and I was walking through a toy store’s game aisle when I saw the Buffy the Vampire Slayer board game. By this point, I’d seen a few more episodes, and though I’d warmed up to the series, I wouldn’t call myself a fan. Still, something about the description of the game sounded interesting, so I brought it home and we tried it out. The game offered four different starting points, with a different set of villains based loosely on the premise of each of the first four seasons.

Buffy Game

We found the game play well thought out. It seemed heroes and villains had a roughly equal chance of winning. The game scenarios were also interesting and made me wonder about the actual stories as they were told in the series. The upshot is that I finally went out and gave the series a fresh chance and the second time around I was hooked right from the start. I watched the series from the beginning to the end practically non-stop.

Last night, we had friends over and introduced them to the game. One of them was not a Buffy fan, but I think the game play engaged her as it once did me. It’ll be interesting to see if she follows up to watch more of the series.

In addition to the game scenarios, the game allows heroes to explore different avenues to win the game. The heroes almost always need teamwork to win. That said, heroes can attempt to win through fighting, magic, or just outsmarting the vampires. Different strategies are useful each session.

When I write, I often feel like I’m in the middle of the best movie in the world. The movie’s playing all around me and I can turn my head and see all the sights my characters are seeing. I can hear what they hear and I can smell what they smell. Sometimes my subconscious surprises me and things happen in the story I didn’t expect. A good game is like that, except instead of your subconscious, it’s the dice roll that creates surprises. Also, if you’re with friends, the team can be more or less effective depending on how well they work with or against each other.

After we finished the Buffy game, we moved on to another horror-themed game. This one was Unspeakable Words which effectively is a mix of Scrabble and the Cthulhu Mythos. I’m not sure those two concepts are all that far separated at the best of times!

Unspeakable Words

So, are there some horror or vampire-themed games you like? I’d love to hear about them in the comments. If it’s one I haven’t tried, I may unleash it on my friends to see what the group thinks!

Finally, I’d like to remind you that I’ll be signing my Scarlet Order novels at Boutique du Vampyre in New Orleans, Louisiana this Saturday from 3 to 6pm. Be there if you can. It is an awesome store full of amazing vampire-themed merchandise, including a few games. If you can’t make the signing, please tell any friends who might be interested. Like a good gaming night, I see a book signing as a chance both to make new friends and to get to know old friends even better.

A Round of Tag

I was at Her Royal Majesty’s Steampunk Symposium this past weekend and fell behind with this week’s Scarlet Order blog post. What’s more, I dropped my Kindle yesterday, damaging the screen, which put me all out of sorts. Fortunately, Susan over at Dab of Darkness tagged me in a round of questions, so this is your chance to learn a little more about the man behind the vampires, zombies, and other scary things that get discussed at this blog. What’s more, the graphic fits last weekend’s whole steampunk-vibe!


Four Names That People Call Me (Besides My Real Name)

  1. Dave – Yeah, I know it’s short for “David” but it never quite feels like my real name.
  2. Captain – My spontaneous college nickname.
  3. Angus – The character I played in Brigadoon, which also became my SCA name.
  4. Dad – The name I wear with the most pride.

Four Jobs That I Have Had

  1. Car Detailer for Toyota
  2. Ice Cream Shop Soda-Jerk
  3. Physics Tutor
  4. Web Developer

Four Movies I Have Watched More Than Once

  1. Plan 9 From Outer Space
  2. Nosferatu
  3. The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
  4. Seven Samurai

Four Books I’d Recommend

  1. The Shining by Stephen King
  2. The Vampire Tapestry by Suzy McKee Charnas
  3. The Naval Institute Press edition of 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea by Jules Verne
  4. Frankenstein by Mary Shelly

Four Places I Have Lived

  1. San Bernardino, California – The place I grew up.
  2. Nantucket, Massachusetts – There once was a man from…
  3. Tucson, Arizona – I love the beauty of the Sonoran desert. The heat, not so much.
  4. Moriarty, New Mexico – I once heard Arthur Conan Doyle picked the name for Sherlock Holmes’s nemesis by seeing this town on a map.

Four Place I Have Been

  1. La Serena, Chile – Just after a few days observing the Large Magellenic Cloud from Cerro Tololo Interamerican Observatory.
  2. New Orleans, Louisiana – In the full sultry, summer heat to deliver my daughter to college.
  3. Times Square in New York – As part of a wedding party.
  4. Dinosaur National Monument – An amazing window into Earth’s past.

Four Places I’d Rather Be Right Now

  1. On the planet Sufiro after the war between New Granada and Tejo.
  2. Aboard the solar sail Aristarchus en route to Saturn.
  3. Back aboard the Queen Mary for Her Royal Majesty’s Steampunk Symposium. The weekend was over far too fast!
  4. At home with my family. I enjoy my work at the observatory, but I miss them when I’m here.

Four Things I Don’t Eat

  1. Olives – never acquired a taste, though I do like to cook with olive oil.
  2. Pickled cucumbers – I would just say “pickles” but strangely enough I do like other vegetables pickled, including pickled beets.
  3. Fugu – I prefer my sushi when it’s very fresh and not going to kill me if the chef made a slight mistake in preparation.
  4. Veal – I have no problem eating meat, but I want it to have grown up first.

Four of My Favorite Foods

  1. Chicken and sausage gumbo
  2. Chicken mole enchiladas – In this case, mole is Mexican chocolate, chile sauce
  3. Posole – A stew of pork, hominy, and red chile
  4. Crawfish etouffe – When they were open, Cajun Kitchen in Albuquerque used to serve this over catfish. My mouth is watering just thinking about it.

Four TV Shows That I Have Watched

  1. Star Trek
  2. Firefly
  3. Buffy the Vampire Slayer
  4. Doctor Who

Four Things I Am Looking Forward to This year (The Next Twelve Months)

  1. Twenty-fifth Wedding Anniversary
  2. Several different conventions, including Wild Wild West Con, Bubonicon, and TusCon
  3. Finishing The Brazen Shark
  4. The release of The Astronomer’s Crypt

Four Things I Am Always Saying

  1. “Basically…” – This seems to be an astronomer thing or maybe a scientist thing. Anyway, it’s the need to sum things up.
  2. “Craptastic” – Great for spectacular failures.
  3. “Awesome” – As an acknowledgement and an affirmation, particularly when everyone benefits.
  4. “No problem” – If it sounds interesting, necessary, or kind of fun, it usually is.

Four People I Tag

I’m going to be a bit of a rebel and not tag anyone. Sometimes I find the person I’ve tagged has already played. Sometimes life is in the way and the last thing someone wants is to be tagged in a silly blog post. That said, if this looks like fun, drop a note with your blog address in the comments and I’ll tag you here!

Cinematic Vampire Hunters

When you look at the movies, it’s easy to find examples of professional vampire hunters. There’s everyone from Blade and Buffy the Vampire Slayer to Jack Crow from John Carpenter’s Vampires and even Abraham Lincoln himself. There’s a wide range of heroes and anti-heroes, and there’s a wide range of storytelling quality.

Peter Cushing

However, the further back in time you look, the more difficult it is to find examples of professional vampire slayers. In the earliest filmed versions of Bram Stoker’s Dracula, Dr. Van Helsing mirrors his literary counterpart. He’s a doctor who puts the clues together and hunts the vampire out of necessity. However, as we move into the 50s and 60s, England’s Hammer studios helped transform Dr. Van Helsing and his descendants, as played by Peter Cushing, from an accidental vampire slayer to a professional one.

Perhaps one of the first movies to feature vampire slayers in the title is Roman Polanski’s 1967 vampire spoof The Fearless Vampire Killers. I haven’t actually seen this film, but I’ve added it to my rental queue.

Kolchak in 1972’s The Night Stalker is certainly a candidate for an early vampire hunter. In his case, though, he’s a reporter who fights the supernatural simply because no one else is able to do the job.

Captain Kronos Poster

Another milestone film is Hammer’s Captain Kronos Vampire Hunter released in 1974. In this stylish film, Horst Janson plays Captain Kronos, a swordsman who travels with vampire expert Dr. Marcus played by John Carson looking for vampires to slay. This is also an interesting vampire film in that the film alludes to more than one species of vampire. The vampires Captain Kronos meets in the story are new to him, they drain life energy rather than drink blood and part of the fun of this film is watching our protagonist find a way to slay these particular vampires.

Vampire slaying as a profession really took off in the 1990s. That’s the era that produced Blade, John Carpenter’s Vampires, and Buffy the Vampire Slayer among others. The hallmark of the early vampire slayers was that they relied on their cunning and brains when fighting creatures of the night. More recently, cinematic vampire hunters have relied on a combination of virtual superpowers and technology to do help them.

So, do you have a favorite cinematic vampire hunter? Are there any early professional vampire hunters I’ve neglected to mention? I’m always happy for the recommendation of a good movie!